Seed and Fertilizer Packs

It is hard for our vulnerable children to focus on learning in school when their tummies are grumbling from a lack of food. This is why we invite the supporters of Faith’s Orphans Fund to contribute to the annual ‘Seed and Fertilizer Packs’ project.

In October, for the past several years, the Zambian Government has made available these ‘Seed and Fertilizer Packs’ for purchase at approximately one-third of the normal price. A ‘Pack’ consists of four bags of fertilizer and one bag of seed. Maize (corn), okra, rapeseed, onion and cabbage have been the customary seed made available but that does vary from year to year.


Transporting Seed and Fertilizer Packs to the fields

In the months leading up to October, the people in our twenty-four Centres will have been busy preparing their fields for planting. This has to be completed by November when the rainy season sets in for the next several months. What is grown during that time will be their food supply until the next growing season and therefore  will have a direct bearing on the nutritional intake of our children. This is why our ability to purchase ‘Packs’ for all our Centres is a project we focus on each year.


Each bag can weigh up to 50 kg or 110 lbs! 

The photos included here are the evidence why the Board of Directors of FOF Canada once again express our grateful thanks for supporting our 4113 vulnerable children and the Centres where they live.

The ground is fertile and the maize grows quickly

Late Breaking News

FOF Canada recently received funds from the Community Christian Reformed Church in Frankford Ontario with which to purchase two hammer mills. The hammer mills are being placed at a special location on the Solwezi Road and the Lufwanyama Road. This will allow maize and cassava to be ground into a flour-like consistency. It is hoped that some of the flour can be sold and thereby expand their dietary intake or purchase other needed items.

Thank you Frankford!

Implementer Training

One of the vital components for the successful support of FOF’s vulnerable children are the Implementers. These men and women act as FOF program coordinators and leaders in the care, provision, and oversight of each child at their Centre.  Once or twice each year, a week-long training course is provided by FOF so that these Implementers and the Centres they represent can benefit from learning of new agricultural techniques, government programs, nutrition and health opportunities as well as providing us with updates of the status of the children at their Centre.

For the week-long training, about 100 Implementers will arrive at the Skills Training Centre (STC) in Kitwe, where they will sleep, eat and learn before returning to their Centres with their newly gained knowledge. As the implementers are spread out over many miles and rarely have a chance to meet, the week together at the STC is also an opportunity to get acquainted, share ideas, and discuss the issues they face as well as encourage one another as part of the greater FOF Team.

Photo of one group of Implementers in a classroom

The theme for this week’s seminar was  “Developing our Communities through Agriculture.” In addition to presenting gardening techniques, crop varieties, chicken and goat care, the maintenance of the trees that were planted one year ago and the new trees that were just recently planted in December was highlighted. New policies which the Government has introduced along with explanations of Government expectations were discussed.

The continued care of the children is a focal point during the week as Faith discusses the health, nutrition and educational needs and responds to the issues Implementers may have.  She spends time with each implementer to encourage them in their work on behalf of the children of FOF.

Photo of Implementers in a small group training session just for women

It is also at this time when the implementer’s present reports to Faith on behalf of their centre. These reports update the database for each child in their centre and, together with Faith, the prospective students who will study at the STC in the coming year are chosen.

In your prayer time for the FOF children and staff, please remember our Implementers who engage the children on a daily basis. These men and women are volunteers, receiving no pay for looking after the orphans in their centres as they have a genuine love and concern for their welfare.

Photo of Implementers in a small group training study

A core component of each day for all Implementers at the Training Seminar is the Bible teaching and training. FOF is a practical demonstration of Our Lord’s love, faithfulness, and provision to His children and a witness to those here in Zambia that hears of the work and impact of FOF on the lives of the vulnerable children.  Please continue to pray for the children, the Centres and also for the leadership of FOF, we need His hand to guide us for another 25 years and more!

We hope this report gives you an idea of the content and importance of the week-long Implementer Training Seminar.

(article based on a report from Faith Liyena)