Faith Arrives May 15, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the arrangements to bring Faith to Ontario have been completed and that she will be arriving here on May 15. While the specifics for some of her travel and visits are still being finalized, we have produced a tentative schedule which can be found on the Events section of this website. The schedule will be updated as visits are finalized and we hope you will have the opportunity to visit with Faith at a location convenient to you.

Faith’s Home Destroyed in Fire

On February 24th of this year, Faith & Kaumba Liyena’s family home in Ndola, Zambia burned to the ground, along with their furnishings, clothing, family photos and computers. Faith has led the ministry of Faith’s Orphans in Zambia for over 30 years and has often used the family home to provide hospitality and shelter for vulnerable youth over this time frame. 

Sadly, property insurance is not prevalent in Zambia and the Liyena home did not have insurance coverage. As the scope of our charity does not allow us to provide tax receipts for donations to rebuild her home, we have setup a Go Fund Me page in the hopes of raising funds to help Faith and her family rebuild.

If you would like to contribute to this purpose, please click on the link and it will take you directly to the correct website page.

Please contact us at if you have any questions or would like more information.

Christmas 2023 Update

We were fortunate to be able to connect with Faith while she was out in one of the villages prior to the start of the rainy season. The video runs just over 13 minutes and provides a look at the tree planting efforts with the children, the importance of sewing machines, and also how the two new Toyotas that arrived this year will mean the villages will still be accessible even during the rainy season. We have much to be grateful for and Faith and all the children at FOF thank you for your continued faithful support as this work would not be possible without you!

As a way of expressing their thanks, Faith and the children have made a video presentation of the Christmas Story for us to enjoy at this special time of the year. We hope you enjoy it!